Top Commonly Confusing Words | List of Confusing Words in #English #Spell | Part – 3
Commonly confused words sentence with examples
Addition vs Edition
The confusion between addition and edition is due to their somewhat similar spelling and pronunciation. Their meanings, however, are completely unrelated. Addition has to do with adding, while edition has to do with editing and publishing.
Allusion vs Illusion
Allusion refers to the act of making an implied or indirect reference to something. An illusion is either a mistaken idea or something that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real.
Base vs Bass
While these words often sound similar, they are very different! Remember: Bass is a noun that refers to a kind of fish or a musical sound. Base has many meanings as a noun (e.g., the lowest or main part of something), as well as a few uses as a verb and an adjective.
Bridal vs Bridle
Bridal is related to a bride, but bridle refers to a part of a horse’s harness and what you do with it. Although the words sound the same, they run in different circles unless you’re getting a horse ready for her wedding.
Climactic vs Climatic
Climactic describes the high point, the most intense part of a movie, play, song, or, well, anything. Climatic refers to the climate, like the climatic changes that turned Santa’s workshop into a sauna for elves.
Collaborate vs Corroborate
The verb collaborate means to cooperate or work jointly with others. The verb corroborate means to strengthen, support, or confirm with evidence.
Currant vs current
Currant is a raisin-like fruit that is used in pastries and jams, whereas current is both a noun (often referring to flows of electric, air, and water) and an adjective (“occurring in the present moment”). The lesser-used courant means “newspaper.”
Detract vs Distract
distract. detract (make something seem less good): The peeling wall detract from the beauty of the hall. distract (take someone’s attention away from what they are doing): Don’t distract my attention I’m trying to study!
Device vs Devise
Devise is a verb meaning “to invent or plan.” Device is a noun referring to a technique, method, tool, or small machine or gadget. A device may often aid in the act of devising. The words devise and device share the same root—the Latin dividere (“to divide”)—but have different functions in English.
Eminent vs Imminent
Imminent and eminent only differ in pronunciation by one vowel sound, which is why they are occasionally confused. Eminent is often used to describe someone or something that stands out above others in a noticeable way, while imminent is used to describe something that is about to happen very soon.
Envelop vs Envelope
To envelop is to surround something completely. But an envelope is a piece of paper you put your love note in and lick to seal. With enVElop, the accent is on the second syllable, while with ENvelope, the accent is on the first.
Formally vs Formerly
Formerly means previously or at an earlier time, whereas formally means officially or in line with the rules of convention or etiquette. These definitions become clearer when you remove the suffix -ly to reveal the roots of the words: former for formerly and formal for formally.
Hoard vs Horde
Incredible vs Incredulous
Incredible describes something you can’t believe because it’s so right, like an incredible double rainbow. Incredulous describes how you feel when you can’t believe something because it’s so wrong, like when someone tells you leprechauns left two pots of gold.
Liable vs Libel
Libel is related to defamation, generally referring to statements made about someone without just cause and exposing them to public contempt. Liable, on the other hand, is an adjective referring to the person legally responsible for something, such as a debt that is owed.
Median vs Medium
Medium is the middle term for size, in between large and small. It is also the name for people who believe they can channel thoughts from the dead, and the term for materials used by an artist. Median is the middle of a set of numbers, as well as the divider in a road.
Moral vs Morale
Moral and morale may sound and look similar, but they have distinct meanings and uses. Moral is an adjective with the meaning of correct behavior; ethical. Morale is a noun describing the emotional state of a group or individual.
Pedal vs Peddle
Petal refers to the leaf of a flower. Pedal is a noun referring to any of various levers activated by the foot. Peddle is a verb related to traveling around and selling goods. Petal, pedal, and peddle are three words that sound very much alike and so can be easily confused.
Personal vs Personnel
Personal and Personnel may look and sound similar, but they have different meanings and uses. Personal is an adjective that means “pertaining to an individual’s private life.” Personnel, on the other hand, is a noun that means a group of people associated with a business or organization.
Pole vs Poll
As you can see, poll and pole are very different. Just remember if you are talking about an object, you want to use pole, with an e at the end. If you are talking about voting or gathKyleg opinions, whether it is a verb or a noun, you want poll.
Pore vs Poor vs Pour
The adjective poor means needy, impoverished, inadequate, or inferior. As a noun, pore means a small opening, especially in an animal or plant. The verb pore means to read or study carefully. The verb pour means to dispense a drink or other substance.
Preposition vs Proposition
Preposition has two definitions: (1) a word or phrase used to relate a noun or pronoun grammatically to another part of the sentence, and (2) to position in advance. Proposition means (1) a plan or offer suggested for acceptance, (2) a matter to be dealt with, and (3) to propose a private bargain.
Role vs Roll
Role is a noun that means “a part played by an actor, a position within a group.” Roll can be used as a verb to mean “to revolve by turning over and over.” It can also be a noun that means “the act of rolling” or “a type of small, yeasted bread product.”
Track vs Tract
A: No, “tract” and “track” are not synonyms. They mean different things and are not interchangeable. As a general rule, the word for an extent or expanse of something (like a plot of land), or for a system of organs, is “tract.” The word for a trail, path, line, or course (academic or otherwise) is “track.”
Wander vs Wonder
Wander, with an a, is a verb that means “to roam or to move around with no direction.” Wonder, with an o, is a verb that means “to marvel or think about curiously.”
Forth vs Fourth
How to Remember the Difference. The simplest way to remember the difference between “forth” and “fourth” is that “forth” means “forward” and there’s no “u” in “forward,” whereas “fourth” is always associated with the number 4.
Pray vs Prey
Is It ‘Pray’ or ‘Prey’? In a religious context, to pray is to speak to a god in order to give thanks or to ask for something. Pray can also mean “to make a request in a humble manner.” The verb prey refers to seizing, devouring, or having a harmful effect on something.
Stationary vs Stationery
The words stationary and stationery may look very similar, but that subtle vowel change alters the meaning of the word entirely. Stationary is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “not moving or not intended to be moved,” while the definition of stationery is “writing and other office materials.”
Breath vs Breathe
Breathe vs Breath What is the difference? Breathe is a verb, meaning to draw air into your lungs and expel it again. To breathe is to inhale air and to exhale it once more. Breath is a noun, meaning the air brought in and exhaled when breathing.
Among vs Between
The most common use for among is when something is in or with a group of a few, several, or many things. The most common use of between is when something is in the middle of two things or two groups of things.
Among vs Between
The most common use for among is when something is in or with a group of a few, several, or many things. The most common use of between is when something is in the middle of two things or two groups of things.